Contemporary Dance Teacher Graham


Home » Teachers » Georges GATECLOUD


Georges GATECLOUD known as BELLECROIX teaches modern dance in Paris since 1973. His teaching is particularly based on the Marta Graham technique. Trained with two teachers from New York, of whom he was assistant, Yuriko Kikuchi (for demonstration tours) and Anna Mitteholzer.

He then joins the Theatrical Research Group of the Paris Opera directed by Carolyn Carlson as dancer where, at the same time, he will sign scenography and costumes of certain creations. He will continue this activity for other companies, Joseph Russillo, Anne Béranger, Amadanthea, Cie Georges Tugdual. He is also invited to the London Contemporary Dance Company directed by Robert Cohen as 'guest artist'.

The Graham technique for everyone 

Eclectic training artist – sculptor, architect, costume designer – he voluntarily maintains the tradition of the Marta Graham technique, strongly believing in the didactic power of this technique which should be necessary, fundamental and inseparable from the training ofa contemporary dancer. On the strength of this specificity, it is very often the guest of important choreographic centers including: Statens balletthøgskole in Oslo, National Dance Center in Brugge, Isola Danza during the Venice Biennale.

Dance class performed by BELLECROIX

Contemporary dance classes for all levels with Bellecroix


Contemporary Dance Graham

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